Sunday 20 September 2015

Photo Annotations

"Bottles" was one of the categories I did to allow myself to analyse what photos I had easier due to the large amount taken. Bottles I feel what important for my design, as they can easily bring colour to my work, and often can be used to fill space if needs be. Bottles can carry many different characteristics, such as their logos, shape, etc. These are all factors I tried to take into account when taking the photos. Problems I faced whiles taking these included reflections, the business of the bottles and the clearness of the bottle itself to make out smaller details.

The second category is "Characters", this is a category where I needed a model to get in different positions I would need so I can use it as drawing references when it comes to the final design. These allow me to gain a more accurate detail to my work, these pictures have better quality than the rest, as I was able to set it up to my personal preference. Problems I faced during the taking of these pictures was lighting, although I tried my best to have a single light source, I did not have the resources to completely block the light with caused obvious issues with my work. Another issue was that my model was incapable of remaining in a position for too long, meaning blurry photos would appear.

Third category was "Clothing" this is a category I did based around minor areas within the game. I felt that these photos would allow me to gain a better idea of the clothing for females during the time my game is based around. Some of these will help with drawing references, or even appear as descriptive pieces. The problems I faced whiles taking these were that I was unable to touch most of what I had taken pictures of, meaning angles and positioning would be difficult to work around, but I am glad I gained photos that were usable and clear.

The next category was "Housing and Building". These varied quite a lot as I wanted to make sure I got a sense of the general architecture of the time. Much of what I got I felt was unneeded for physical use, but mentally it gave me a stronger understanding of how things worked so I can create more detailed drawings. The difficulties here were that many things were out of reach, and I was being forced to zoom closer, which, brings my photos into a blurry mess that was not of crisp enough quality to use in my final piece.

One of the categories was "Nature", this was a category I thought would be used rarely yet needed inclusion in case I needed it. The pictures in this category are minimal as my subject matter is usually of urban areas, but I thought the possibility would need decent drawing references so I can capture the finer details within the flower itself. These pictures also show the constructs that have appeared within the nature, meaning to find it untouched is rare. Difficulties I came into when taking these were the positioning, the nature was thin and more often than not, was being shaken by the wind which made it difficult to get everything in the correct position.

This second to last category was "Tools and Equipment", this category I thought could develop my character's designs and angles. Many of these photos will be used as they are the closest I can get to primary resources for the jumbled "broken" messy theme I have for my characters. Difficulties with these included that most items were on a small scale, or that once again, I was unable to get up close and touch the items, so I could not position them correctly.

The final category is "Typography" these photos were to help me understand what to do for titles, and font styles in descriptions. They vary, and quite often are very simplistic as finer details were a lot harder to do without the digital tools we have today. Posters appear torn and/or tattered, and I think this could actually be incorporated into my final design.

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