Thursday 10 September 2015

Draft from Scamps 2

Below, is my second draft. A far greater improvement on the last as I still had a lot of ideas of what I wanted to include. I had completely changed the title, I have it theme-related details such as overgrown vines, brickwork and a mechanical eye, however, I thought that the vines could of given more of a swash effect or be used as tails, I had attempted to do that in this draft, but could be extending to appear more exaggerated. Another issue I found was that the vines and the lines of the letters themselves were very similar widths making it hard to understand what some letters are. For example the 'n' below could be mistaken for a 'r', and the 'j' and a 'i'. I needed to make the letters bold by using my pencil more thickly to give that effect.

The fog I felt, whiles been a more realistic approach than the last draft, still lacked something to make it obvious it is fog, and pleasing to look at. This could also be done by using my pencil in a variety of ways to give a patchy-misty effect to the work.

My characters had definitely improved and gain different costume ideas each time, I am happy with their current size I have made them however the shading given to them was too dark, and often at times hard to see the finer details put into my work. If I were to make them stand out on my page and draw attention to my audience, they needed to be brighter.

A minor flaw I noticed was that the ratings and logos placed on my game cover, were quite large and my space could of been used more wisely to add smaller details to my work and giving the audience a better feel for the game itself. I will make these smaller in further drafts I do and instead use their extra space for fog details or ripples in the water.

Finally, I liked the short quote I had added and thought it was a good addition to fit to the theme of game covers, it will show my audience that my game has been appreciated by popular game critics and that it is a worthwhile title. However, I believe that I could of improved it by displaying it in a way that matches my Victorian-styled theme.

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