Thursday 10 September 2015

Draft from Scamps 1

Before I could start drafting ideas, I needed to look through my collection of initial scamp designs and choose what I thought would be of good enough standard, below is a picture of my chosen scamp.

When I enlarged my scamp into a starting draft, I needed to take in what else could be added, knowing that I could later change the imperfections, I decided to try different ideas. The title's font I had chosen was quite small, and when looking at other game covers I found small titles did not fit the form. As well as the small font, I notice that my font did not stand out, and blended in with the surrounding detail, so I decided this was to be changed in a future draft.

Another issue I found were that my main characters, whiles needing to be shown to allow the audience a look at what the game could be like, were slightly too big and needed to be downsized so that the smaller details could be added and add more information about the game.

My background allows the audience to understand what sort of setting my game is in, (Fantasy Victorian London), by using iconic landmarks most people could understand, in this case, Big Ben, however I feel the background drew attention away from my main characters, which I still wanted to emphasis, and if I was going to downsize my characters, i'd have to simplify my background, I decided to consider a silhouette, as this would still fit the theme, as in my game cover, it is shown in a night setting.

The water I had made to fill the space I had left, did not have too much showing it off. I felt I would have to add details to it in further drafts to see if it had helped give the theme of a ruined city, possibly by adding rubble into the river, or make the water seem dirty or uneven.

Finally, I found an imperfection with the lower area of my game cover, I wasn't sure what to add there, as it was covered by the "fog" I had added to work as borders, so it doesn't look blocky. But the fog was quite large, and I thought I might need to fill it with something, looking at other game covers I found many included a quote from popular game critics, so I decided to include this.

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