Thursday 19 November 2015

Artist Copy

For my artist copy, I decided to pick a page from a comic book called "Blankets", an autobiography of the author and illustrator, Craig Thompson. Before I could begin copying his art, I needed to analysis the page and decide what media to use, the art he has done was done using a media of ink and brush.

Before I could begin adding ink, I need a guideline to follow to ensure it is as accurate to the original. But to avoid plagiarism, I decided to drawn the pencil guidelines free-hand (Meaning I refrained from tracing the original).

Below is the finished pencil outline put against the original for comparison.

After I had done the guidelines, I was able to begin applying the ink, as the pencil was all my own work, tracing the pencil was not an act of plagiarism, using a light box I was able to see my pencil guidelines previously drawn and apply ink on top of it using a range of brushes for different thicknesses.

I did this technique for each section on a separate piece of paper, some I had made previous mistakes on, and then I improved gradually.

Within Photoshop, for each item I used the threshold tool to make them a solid black and white, to give my piece a bolder style, after this I merged each piece into one final piece that is a better mimic of the original.

After I had pieced it together in Photoshop, I printed it out and this is my final piece, my finished emulation of Craig Thompson's "Blankets".

Below are the two pieces put side by side for comparison. The original on the left, and my emulation on the right.

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