Wednesday 3 June 2015

Game Cover Synopsis

Arkane Studios are releasing a new game aimed towards the 16 and over age demographic and certificated it as a 18 rated game for its violent nature. The game is an open-world, story-heavy stealth game called 'Benjo' (The name originated from the Victorian Sailor slang word for a 'chaotic holiday').

The game is based in a Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Victorian London. There are 3 main characters. As a large worldwide earthquake, many citizens are left dead, injured or shocked. There are 3 characters. The three characters are, Edward Riolet, Auben Germe, 'C'. Knowing the power that magic can have upon the world, C creates a tear in the world in one of his series of experiments to return to the underworld, causing the tectonic plates of the earth to violently move, causing a worldwide earthquake.

All three characters possess similar qualities.

The open-world aspect is cut up into different sections of London in the 1800s.
The basic appearance of each character (INCLUSION TO THE FRONT COVER):

  • Edward Riolet - Wavy, brown hair, which a huge amount of skin missing on the right side of his face. After the earthquake he dresses in long, dirty black robes with a hood.
  • Auben Germe - Short, smart blonde hair, with often rigid and sharp facial features. His clothes are black and gold hooded robes, with belts and straps.
  • C - Covered face, hes dressed in ripped, dirty waistcoats and smart trousers.

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