Thursday 4 June 2015

Subject Matter Pinboard

In this final idea, it is filled with art I believe to be the most relevant for the type of game cover I want to create, many of these pieces will have a lot in common, and this pinboard will have the least amount in it, as my idea as been refined through this research process.

Similar Artefacts Pinboard

In this pinboard, I needed ideas based around my chosen theme, which was game covers, some of the following are basic game covers, however some depict certain areas of the game, and are art designs from it. These all will help develop my ideas even more so.

Inspiration Pinboard

To make sure I have a better understanding of what was expected in my game cover, I made sure to find art that inspired me for my ideas and design, this will be crucial for later stages. Many of the choices I have made on this pinboard are things I enjoy at the time. and with this, many of the designs will vary.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Game Cover Synopsis

Arkane Studios are releasing a new game aimed towards the 16 and over age demographic and certificated it as a 18 rated game for its violent nature. The game is an open-world, story-heavy stealth game called 'Benjo' (The name originated from the Victorian Sailor slang word for a 'chaotic holiday').

The game is based in a Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Victorian London. There are 3 main characters. As a large worldwide earthquake, many citizens are left dead, injured or shocked. There are 3 characters. The three characters are, Edward Riolet, Auben Germe, 'C'. Knowing the power that magic can have upon the world, C creates a tear in the world in one of his series of experiments to return to the underworld, causing the tectonic plates of the earth to violently move, causing a worldwide earthquake.

All three characters possess similar qualities.

The open-world aspect is cut up into different sections of London in the 1800s.
The basic appearance of each character (INCLUSION TO THE FRONT COVER):

  • Edward Riolet - Wavy, brown hair, which a huge amount of skin missing on the right side of his face. After the earthquake he dresses in long, dirty black robes with a hood.
  • Auben Germe - Short, smart blonde hair, with often rigid and sharp facial features. His clothes are black and gold hooded robes, with belts and straps.
  • C - Covered face, hes dressed in ripped, dirty waistcoats and smart trousers.